Why Are Lab Grown Diamonds Cheaper?

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In nature, a diamond takes around 1 to 3.3 billion years to develop. The process starts when carbon atoms present deep down the earth start to crystalize due to high heat and pressure beneath the crust. The volcanic materials are then carried to the top of the Earth’s surface via eruptions. The high cost of diamonds is due to the lengthy procedure and people required to mine them, but technological advancements have resulted in a more cost-effective means of creating the prized stone.

On the market, a number of companies that produce lab-grown diamonds have arisen. Lab-grown diamonds are made in a fraction of the time that natural diamonds take to develop, resulting in lower prices. People these days are preferring lab-grown diamonds for their diamond earrings, diamond rings, etc.

In this article, we will take a look at why lab-grown diamonds are less expensive than natural diamonds.

Why Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Cheap?

As the name suggests, a lab-grown diamond is made in a lab using cutting-edge technologies that replicate the conditions that create natural diamonds. Despite its origin, a lab-grown diamond is similar to natural diamonds in every way. The only thing that differentiates a natural diamond and a lab-grown diamond is its origin. Since a lab-grown diamond comes into contact with fewer hands than a natural diamond, it is less expensive. When compared to mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are 40% to 60% less expensive.

Lab-grown diamonds are made in the same way that natural diamonds are made but without tremendous environmental and ethical consequences. Advanced technologies are used to mimic what happens beneath the Earth’s crust in the lab. The procedure takes 6 to 10 weeks and results in diamonds that are ready to be trimmed and cleaned before being graded and certified by the same diamond grading labs that certify natural diamonds.

Is Lab-Grown Diamond Aesthetically Similar To Natural Diamonds?

Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are equal to natural diamonds in terms of physical, chemical, and optical characteristics, yet they are free of environmental and ethical risks. The IGI certification and examination procedure are the same for natural and lab diamonds, and it involves grading for carat size, cut quality, color, and clarity.

Since diamond mining is hazardous to the environment and it is exploiting thousands of workers all around the world, people are trying to choose lab-grown diamonds over natural diamonds. Many young individuals are conscious about the environment and they are willing to do their part.

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